Saturday, December 16, 2006

Is there a slow motion button some where?

Christmas is coming way too fast! I think we finished our shopping today and cards are ready to mail. My wonderful husband has been making Christmas goodies. Tomorrow, I have to make the Ginger Crinkle cookies that my dad loves and wrap presents. I think we'll make it.

We got our paperwork in the mail to be apostilled yesterday. They should get it Monday. We'll pick it up Wed. and get it right in the mail to our agency. If all goes well, they'll get it out of their hands before they close for Christmas. If not, by the time they DO get it out, we'll be into the Russian holiday season which I think is the first 2 weeks of Jan. That's a 3 week delay which makes me crazy!! I just have to trust that she's in God's hands. She has been since she was born and she will be after she comes home so I just have to remember that he's had this whole thing under control from the beginning.

Amid all the craziness, I want to thank Ginger for being a great Secret Pal. Your comments on my blog have been so sweet and supportive. Your gifts have been thoughtful. I'm extra happy that I participated in this because I feel like I've made a friend that I wouldn't have crossed paths with otherwise. Thank you again.

Now it's off to bed - tomorrow will be the first day at church WITH PICTURES! Then, a full afternoon of wrapping presents, watching football and who knows what else!?


At 12:46 PM, Blogger Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

You are very welcome. I loved the Secret Blog Pals. It was so much fun.


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