Saturday, November 18, 2006

Ya Tibya Lublu Too!

After a whirlwind day of errands and chores, I came home to find a PRESENT...for ME...from my Secret Pal. I love the cookbook (Ya Tibya Lublu), the t-shirt and the pro-adoption bracelet and key ring. What thoughtful gifts! Thank you so much!

We still don't have a travel date. Our case manager feels sure we will know next week. Until we know that, we can't apply for visas or book our flights. In the mean time, we're trying to update as much paperwork as we can. Our agency has really cautioned us against divulging too much info. and especially against posting pictures before the adoption is final. So, I'll share what I can but definitely no pictures for a while.

What we do know is that it will be COLD! I'm a little worried about having enough warm stuff, but we'll manage. It seems like we'll get to spend a good amount of time with our girl - morning and afternoon visits for 3 - 4 days. What were your favorite things to do while visiting?

I've read so many blogs and lists, but now while the iron's hot - give me your best "first trip" advice. What should we be sure to take that we might not think of? What things should we be sure to do on this first meeting with our little girl?


At 8:03 PM, Blogger Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

Hope you get a travel date soon!! Will this be a visit trip or a pick up trip. I know that you are so excited. I am going for my 2nd visit over Christmas.

At 4:25 AM, Blogger Lauren & Cupcake said...

Congrats! I just found your blog from Deb's blog. We could be in Moscow at the same time. Email me privately if you want. The link is under our photo. It is a great feeling to have our visa's!

At 4:30 AM, Blogger Lauri said...

Your daughter is younger than ours at referral... but we took a sassy baby photo album to leave between trips and a soft toy that I slept with to get my scent on it ( kinda goofy, but I tried everything) some baby homes dont allow you to leave things between trips. Ask your translator to write her russian name on these items if you are leaving them.I left a disposiable camera and journal as well and all 3 caretakers wrote beautiful messages to our daughter and explained her diet & schedule.

Dont forget toys- You may be placed in a big room without toys

I would take 2 wooden blocks ( to play pat a cake ) you can also see how her development is if she can hold two blocks, a block in each hand, and clap them together & pass one block from hand to hand.

something soft & cuddly

some small colorful toys that make noise- rattles, we took a mini see & say ( I would see if she can follow them with her eyes as you slowly move them left to right & up & down)

some gerber fruit puffs ( melt in babys mouth)

sippy cup w/water

( ask staff before feeding your future child, I think this shows that you respect their schedule)

My best tip- wear something colorful and try to wear the same few tops each time on both trips. I wore the same shirt on metcha & gotcha day and out of the crowd of women on gotcha day My daughter could recognize me because of my argyle sweater.Lightly spray your perfume on a stuffed animal ( you leave with her) and wear that perfume on your trips. Scent is the strongest sense tied to memory.


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