Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Paperwork, paperwork

While every adoption follows its own path, I believe that every one has its overfill of paperwork. In my quest to keep doing SOMETHING to feel like I'm working toward making this adoption happen, I've been re-doing paperwork that has expired which at this point is everything except our I-171H. I've got the letter to renew our fingerprints ready to mail - do they really think our fingerprints have changed? Ditto our marriage certificate, passports, family photos. I could go on but I suppose if you're reading this, I'm "preaching to the choir". Anyway, my nagging thought as I've been doing this is that the first time through, it was kind of fun...in a very anticipatory, road untraveled, geeky sort of way. I imagine that if you're doing it in order to submit it so that you can get your court date, it's a very exciting if not frantic feeling. At this point, it's really not very fun or exciting. BUT, it will be as close to done as I can get it (without creating more dates that will expire) so when the time comes, I'll be able to spend more time shopping for cute, little Creecher clothes and toys, right?? Now THAT'S fun!