Thursday, November 02, 2006

What's in a Name?

First, I want to say how fun it is to see familiar names commenting on my blog. I feel a lot less like a stalker when I'm opening myself up a little too! Thanks for visiting!!!

Lately, my thoughts keep coming back to what we will name Creecher when the time comes to put her legal name on paper. Creecher's all well and good for now, but I doubt that a judge who has to approve her adoption will find that very humorous. My general thoughts are:

1. My mom and I are "Betty" and "Betsy" and I always thought I'd carry on that idea. Or if not that idea, at least some sort of family heritage or significance.

2. Since we're adopting, I like the idea of either her first or middle name reflecting her heritage.

3. Finally, in all things, I like the unique and unusual (but not just plain weird - there's a fine line you know).

So, my questions for you guys are - How did you pick your children's names (even if you don't have your children yet)? Who were they named after? If your children were adopted, did you change their name?...or keep part of it? What other girls names (especially unique ones) can you think of that start with B?


At 6:26 PM, Blogger Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

I chose Maya because she is part Mayan Indian and I wanted her to have some of her culture in her name. Grace is her middle name. I chose that because it is by the grace of God that she is my daughter. She will probably hate Maya when she is older. Who knows?? I am really enjoying your blog, keep up the good work.

At 8:27 PM, Blogger Elle said...

This question comes up all the time with people.
Pickle's name was the name he was given at the birth hospital. He was probably named by some nurse. When we first got the referral we looked at each other and nearly laughed. Oleg?! Once we met him we couldn't think of a better name for him. Of course we liked it much better when we heard a Russian pronounce it. Ah-leg not Oh-leg. His middle name is CS's grandfather's first name.

We originally had 3 boys names picked out. 2 ended up in Little A's name, and Pickle didn't look like a Mikhail. So Oleg Roy it is.

At 9:11 PM, Blogger Deb said...

We are pretty set on receiving a referral of a boy and we have no boy names picked out. So we have 2 options.
#1 being to keep his given name.
#2 is to give him my fathers name Thomas Keith

For girls we are set if we need to change it. We have:
Petra Michelle (Michelle is my middle name)
Reagan Iley (Iley is a family name)
Rebecca Elizabeth

The meaning of the name is important to me so we will just see what happens.

At 9:39 PM, Blogger Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog. Be aware if you read the entire blog it is not all very pleasant. This is my second agency and second referral. However, I would love for you to read my journey.

At 9:19 AM, Blogger Lauri said...

We changed our daughters name age 14 months at referral.. 15 months old when her name was changed. We called her by her birth name followed by her new name until she adjusted ( about 3-4 weeks)

I have loved the name Olivia since forever... I also loved Madeline
(maddy) for short but my hubby did not like that one.I always knew if i had a girl her name would be O 0r M. I do regret not keeping my daughters birth name as her middle name. This may be something we add back on at a later date.

At 7:07 PM, Blogger Suz said...

D and V are the names their birthmothers gave them and we have just added new middle names with family ties. After V is home, I'll more freely share names and such :o)


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