Tuesday, December 19, 2006

I'm on vacation!

I'm officially on Christmas vacation. Yeah for me! What will we do with this time off? Make a mad 3-hours-one-way dash to pick up our apostilled paperwork, make copies for our agency and get them in overnight mail to our agency. Ho! Ho! Ho! We've really been trying to beat the holiday deadlines - our agency is closed next week and our in-country officials are off Jan. 1 - 10th so we really wanted to get the paperwork to our agency before they close so that they can get it to the in-country coordinators before THEY close. All of that so that we might get our Christmas wish of going to Siberia in the dead of winter. Huh? When did my life start to sound like a Lifetime Christmas movie??

On the topic of Christmas, we're in good shape. We made major progress over the weekend. We're not quite as decorated and don't have quite as many goodies but there's plenty of both. For goodies, we have fudge, sausage balls, ginger crinkle cookies, mini-mounds and my husband's family recipe for fruitcake (which HE loves so we make it). We had our annual "debate" over whether fudge is better with or without nuts (me without, him with) but he did the making so nuts it is. What do you guys think?...nuts or no nuts? What goodies can you just not have Christmas without?

You let me know - I'm going for a snack!


At 8:21 PM, Blogger Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

I love any kind of homemade candy at Christmas. We don't make it unless it is Christmas. Had some fudge tonight.

At 5:25 AM, Blogger Rhyne & Jake said...

Hi Betsy!! Please email regarding your region! thmc1215@yahoo.com

I'd love to talk to you and see if you can carry some pictures back on your 2nd trip if your little girl is at the same baby home!!

Merry Christmas and have a great time off!



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